A Conversation with All Blues Creative Director Fredrik Nathorst

A Conversation with All Blues Creative Director Fredrik Nathorst

Getting to Know All Blues


All Blues is a Stockholm based fine jewellery brand, founded in 2010 with the aim to create individual pieces of jewellery that you will want to collect. Each piece is handcrafted in Stockholm by expert artisans at a third generation foundry, using 18ct gold plated 925 sterling silver.

We spoke with All Blues Creative Director Fredrik Nathorst about his design process, how they avoid the fast paced consumerism calendar, and his take on Scandinavian style and why there is such a pull to this type of style in Sweden.

Your collections consist of equal parts classic and contemporary pieces, but all are grounded in a strong conceptual idea. How does storytelling play its part in designing your collections and what are your favourite collections to date?

We only do storytelling when there is a story to tell, and we try to make sure it comes from within. My favourite is probably Mother, an abstract, geometric interpretation of a uterus to celebrate motherhood.

Jewellery can hold with it a lot of emotions and memories, what are some of the most precious pieces of jewellery you own?

Over the years, my grandparent's ring fingers grew, but their wedding rings did not. They melted their rings into a lump of solid gold that my grandma wore as a pendant. Now, long after they passed away, the lump is still being worn and represents the both of them.


Getting to Know All Blues

Going at your own pace you offer your core collection all year round and then inject new pieces every so often, but aren’t driven by the fast paced consumerism calendar. What makes a piece worthwhile to create in your opinion?

We do tons and tons of sketches and prototypes that never see the light of day. It's almost like a bootcamp for jewellery. If a piece is too heavy, it's out. If it lacks originality, it's out. If it's absolutely beautiful, comfortable and unique, but it doesn't fit our universe, it's out. Only the survivors of this vigorous objective, and subjective, process are worthwhile.

Working with a third-generation, family owned goldsmith studio based just outside Stockholm, the full production process from design to construction is all localised. What was one of the biggest learning curves to creating jewellery and what has working with these manufacturers taught you?

The development phase of turning an aesthetically well designed piece into something that is viable to manufacture is full of curve balls. We have gotten alooooot better at avoiding them, but I reckon we will always get hit every once in a while.


Getting to Know All Blues

Scandinavian style is known for its beautiful take on simplicity and functionality. Why do you think there is such a strong pull to this type of style in Sweden and what other brands do you think are doing a beautiful job in this area?

I believe it roots backs to culture. We are very Un-American in our values and ways of being. The collective wellbeing is more important than the individual and there is a thin line between promoting oneself and bragging. So it's only natural that the style is silent and understated.

Your packaging has always stood out as an art form in itself and it makes sense that we learn that your background was in graphic design. How big a part does design play creating a unique customer experience?

We don't really separate design disciplines within All Blues, it's all part of the same organism. And the same goes for things like customer service. For us, that attitude is key to create a full experience. Imagine going to a dinner party with tasty food, but uncomfortable chairs and shitty conversation.

 Getting to Know All Blues