Favourite Quotes by Rejina Pyo

Favourite Quotes by Rejina Pyo

Rejina pyo Georgia Blouse and TheUNDONE.com

 It will be impossible not to fall for this Korean born, UK designer after reading our favourite quotes pulled from recent interviews. She's a woman after our own hearts. 


"My customers are intelligent women, they know what they want and what suits them and are not wearing something for the sake of the brand."
Via Elle Canada


"I feel joy when I see real women appreciating my pieces in their real life. I want them to really live in the pieces and keep them forever."
Via Vogue.com

Rejina Pyo skirt and top


"I design my collection to last in a women's wardrobe as long as possible, I want the brand to offer something that's related to the modern women's everyday life."
Via Vogue.com.au


"I find it beautiful when something doesn't look like its trying too hard but has surprising elements that excite you."
Via Vogue.com.au


"I want my designs to blend in with real life, for all women, who are beautiful at any age."
Via Vogue.co.uk
 Rejina Pyo black dress